How Speaking Aloud Can Transform Your Life
The other day my husband and I went out for a walk by Lake Ontario at Colonel Samuel Smith Park in South Etobicoke and we were blessed to have an eagle fly across our path. When, just 2 days prior on our walk, I had stated out loud, “I want to see an eagle fly across here”. This was the sign I needed.
It was that portal between the holiday season and getting back to routine in the New Year. I was grateful to have time at home to relax and rejuvenate, but I wasn’t sleeping well and was not feeling that new year spark. I also got a little stuck in my head with old thought patterns, “What’s the point of everything I create?”, “Why keep trying?”, “It’s not possible for my dreams to come true”. These old beliefs and thought patterns were keeping me from allowing myself to dream and envision something bigger for myself for the new year ahead. My gut was telling me the root of it was that I had a fear of stating, out loud, what I truly desired. So much so, that seemingly out of nowhere, I got a sore throat.
If you get sore throats, cough when you’re about to speak up, or your voice cuts out randomly, and you are not sick, and there’s no other reason for your symptoms, then there’s a good chance there’s something you’re not saying. Something you’re not admitting to yourself or something you need to say to someone else.
It wasn’t until we saw the eagle that it clicked. I had to speak, out loud, my desires and visions. The same way I spoke out loud my desire to see an eagle with full belief and trust I would see one one day. It was time for me to truly set my intentions for 2025 and say them out loud. To trust that they will happen, even if it feels scary. To break through the fear, commit to healing those old beliefs that come from old wounding and programming, and open my heart to receiving something that is better than I could even imagine.
This was further affirmed when I consulted my Animal Elders Oracle Deck by Asha Frost. I found the Elder Eagle card and the message was all about having strong intuition at this time, to follow through, and to believe in my visions. Thank you Elder Eagle!
I got home, practiced Reiki and got my journal out. I wrote out my intentions and stated them out loud. I also reflected on some of the fears I had and where they were coming from so that I could release them. And guess what? My sore throat eased up. Now that I’ve spoken my truths, I’m excited to see the magic that unfolds!
As a Reiki healer and music therapist I’m grateful to have the tools to break through these challenges and fears on my own. But sometimes, we all need a little help. If there are truths you’re holding back and want to break through blockages in your communication, download this free Voice Activation Meditation. Listen and use your voice to sound along with the track. You will strengthen your inner knowing, while building confidence to use your voice when it matters. Let me know how it goes!